Sunday, August 23, 2009

Time to Fess Up, and also, How Have I Been?

I started my original blog in I believe November '08. Since then, I've let a lot of things slip. I think maybe Summer got to me psychologically... the less I HAD to do, the less I did, even if it would have been helpful. I let Japanese slip, I picked WoW back up. But it's not all bad. I started drinking water (almost exclusively), and working out again. Maybe the past few weeks haven't been the best for that (vacations tend to make me not want to move a bunch), but overall, I think I'm still 10 pounds down from where I was at the end of my Spring Semester.
Anyway, without a Japanese class next semester, I'll really have to do everything on my own. One thing that's both lucky and unlucky at the same time is that I won't be going to Japan in the Spring... it's just no feasible. So, while I've fallen seriously behind a friend of mine on the Japanese front (I started studying Japanese before him... and at this point I am a complete noob in comparison, but it's all my fault, so all I can do now is move forward), I will start Japanese anew, with several months of it under my belt before going to Japan at the revised schedule of sometime around a year from now.
As far as my conlang goes, it kinda got lost towards the end of the Spring semester (exam time woo...)
Also... WoW. I hadn't played since February, but summer was starting to get excruciating without anything to do (... Ok, I should have chosen something productive, but I didn't, and will have to deal with that). I started playing again in June, and while not quite as sucked-in as I was in the holidays, it had started to get out of hand. What I have done is, instead of quitting cold turkey, decided to cut my time played by joining a more "hardcore" guild. While this would seem counter-intuitive, it's not, since they don't have to spend as much time playing to get the hard stuff done. Also, to help support this, I'll be doing some serious (quick, easy, feeding off morons) money-making. By serious, I mean the amount I get, not the time spent to do so. Little thing called the auction house and addons makes it possible to spend a few minutes a day making tons of money.
Lastly, computers. The computer I'm typing this on will no longer be the one I use day-to-day. It's on it's last leg, and in addition, I need a laptop. So, while you might be reading that as me replacing my desktop with a laptop, I'm not. Due to a certain financial windfall, I'll be getting a new laptop and desktop. For one, gaming experience will be more stream-lined. For another, I won't have to share, or find computers on campus, meaning easier access to programs such as Anki and others I use for getting audio from DVD's and other stuff (in Japanese).
Well, this post is long and rambling, but a lot of stuff has happened since I last updated anything blog-like. Again, my goal in having a blog is motivation... I know I have no readers, but if there are any who wander by this, I think that their scrutiny will help push me to maintain my momentum in completing my goals.

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